Difference Between Digital Marketing and Digital Advertising

In this competitive world, you need digital advertising & marketing to promote your product & services in front of your target audience. Although these two “digital advertising & digital marketing” are quite similar still they are two different ways to publicize your business. We will try to understand the thin line difference between them better with the help of this article. Digital advertising & digital marketing plays a vital role in attracting the new customer of different businesses over the internet.

Let’s look at some key features which will explain the major difference between both of them:

Features of Digital Advertising & Digital Marketing

As I have already mentioned that digital advertising is very much similar to digital marketing but a big point of difference is that digital advertising is a disruptive way of communication. 

Digital advertising is disrupting the people while watching your videos. One of the big challenges advertisers face in this digital era is that people don’t want any advertising distraction while watching videos. Digital advertisement is about broadcasting to a wide range of people rather than talking to a single person, just in hope of that, it reaches few interested buyers.

On the other hand, digital marketing is highly focused & targets interested buyers. Content marketing is one of the forms of digital marketing that has gained popularity over the internet. Content gives flexibility to the marketer in their marketing message. 

Targeting & Cost Differences Between Them

Digital advertising is not something about focused targeting to the interested audience. It is more about the generic form of branding which targets a huge audience. CPM advertising is to show your advertising to everyone who is coming to your site. The only source for targeting is to use intelligence tools like Alexa that will help to find a website that matches your demographic target. Digital advertising demands a lot of money from you to place your message on the internet. So, the cost is always a major concern while making your advertising campaigns. 

Digital marketing is more specific in terms of targeting interested buyers. It is about pinpointing the audience of a particular demographic that includes age, gender, browsing habits, income as well as various other factors. Digital marketing gives higher ROI (Return on Investment) as compared to digital advertising. When you are targeting a specific person, then your chance of converting that person into a lead increases.

Marketing helps in developing a brand while an advertisement creates brand awareness in front of the audience. If you have a successful marketing plan that drives organic traffic to your website, you may select not to use advertising. If you are still not sure by which direction you need to move, why not contact Big Easy Magazine? We’ll always more than happy to help all. 

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